She's a Rainbow...Ela é um arco-íris

Acho este editorial delicioso, a modelo parece que saiu directamente de um filme de Tim Burton...entre o rosa psicadélico, as riscas gráficas e os chapéus de coco com flores exageradas da Alice do País das Maravilhas, tudo conjugado com a atitude rebelde da modelo Charlotte Free...e o mote absoluto: "O Rosa é o novo preto".

This editorial is absolutely delicious, the model looks like she just escaped from a Tim Burton film...the psychedelic pink, the graphic stripes and the cocoon hats with oversized flowers from Alice in the Wonderland, and the rebel attitude of the model Charlotte Free...and the absolut maximum: "Pink is the new black".

Charlotte Free by Paul Schmidt for Jalouse June/July 2011