Saturated Colors...A Saturação da Cor

As cores saturadas imperam neste editorial, saturadas porque são intensas, com várias camadas de cor e de luz ...como se a modelo tivesse sido submetida a uma manipulação de cor, desta forma os tecidos surgem quase incandescentes, e as cores da pele e do batom parecem ter uma velatura azul...entre a manipulação fotográfica e a recriação intencional desse efeito...o complemento certo (mas inesperado) para as colecções "recatadas", mas futuristas de Inverno...

The Saturated colors prevail in this editorial, saturated because they are intense, with several layers of color and light ... as if the model had been subjected to a manipulation of color, this way the fabrics seems incandescent, and the skin and lipstick of the model seems to have a blue color mask... between the photographic manipulation and the intentional recreation of this effect ... the perfect complement (but unexpected) to the "well behaved", but futuristic winter collections...

source: fashiongonerogue: Katie Fogarty by Thomas Krappitz for Marie Claire Italia September 2011